Don’t Make These Mistakes In Production Java: Exceptions

Understanding how to use Java Exceptions well is critical to building maintainable, high-quality production software. This chapter of the Don’t Make These Mistakes In Production Java guide captures the author’s hard-learned lessons building Java software in large-scale production environments. You can find this post and others in the series at

Read on to learn to more and improve your craft!

The Don’t Make These Mistakes In Production Java series assumes the reader has at least a beginner’s understanding of the Java programming language and does not belabor the language basics.

Avoid ScheduledExecutor Thread Death

The ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate is an incredibly useful method for producing scheduled behaviors within a Java application, but it can bite unwary developers who do not carefully read the fine manual. Let’s look at the key line of documentation:

…and so on. If any execution of the task encounters an exception, subsequent executions are suppressed. Otherwise…

Any Runnable implementation you submit to ScheduledExecutorService needs to have a Handler of Last Resort that handles any exception, notifies your on-call team engineer, and then most likely suppresses the exception.

What Not To Do

public class CheckTheLightsRunnable implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
        // If this ever throws an exception, no more checking of the lights!

CheckTheLightsRunnable checkTheLights = new CheckTheLightsRunnable(lights);

ScheduledExecutorService n = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(checkTheLights, 10, 10, SECONDS);

Do This Instead

public class CheckTheLightsRunnable implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // Re-throw interrupts as this is a legitimate reason to cease execution
            throw e; 
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // It's not often that catching a generic Exception is reasonable, but
            // to avoid unexpected scheduled thread death, it's exactly what's called for.
            logging.error("Failed to check the lights", e);
            metrics.addCount(UNANDLED_EXCEPTION, true);

            // Note that the exception is not re-thrown!

CheckTheLightsRunnable checkTheLights = new CheckTheLightsRunnable(lights);

ScheduledExecutorService n = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(checkTheLights, 10, 10, SECONDS);

Don’t Use Exceptions For Control Flow

This might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how often this shows up in production code bases. Don’t use exceptions for control flow, they are very computationally expensive! There is almost always an exception-free approach to handling the control flow, usually by checking preconditions. Consider this real-world example of production code converting strings to LocalDateTime.

The code below accepted input from the caller as a string, and the string could be in one of two date formats. The developer’s mistake is that they try to convert the string using the first date format, and if that throws an exception, they try to convert using the second format. This method of flow control is incredibly expensive to execute, especially if the second date format is common as it means throwing and handling an exception with each execution.

What Not To Do

private static DateTimeFormatter TIME_FIRST_FORMAT = 
    DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm dd-MM-YYYY");

// asString can either by YYYY-mm-dd or HH:mm dd-mm-YYYY
public LocalDateTime convertToLocalDateTime(String asString) {
    try {
        // Note that this code is first trying to parse as local iso date
        return LocalDateTime.parse(asString, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE);
    } catch (DateTimeParseException e) {
        // and the string isn't in local iso date, try the other format. This results
        // in non-exceptional code (the second date format) requiring an exception throw
        // as part of normal flow control. These is very expensive!
        return LocalDateTime.parse(asString, TIME_FIRST_FORMAT);

Do This Instead

private static String ISO_LOCAL_PATTERN = "HH:mm dd-MM-YYYY"
private static DateTimeFormatter TIME_FIRST_FORMAT = 

// asString can either by YYYY-mm-dd or HH:mm dd-mm-YYYY
public LocalDateTime convertToLocalDateTime(String asString) {
    // There are many ways we might make this function more elegant, but let's consider
    // just this simple alternative. Instead of try...catching, the code checks the length
    // of the string to determine which format to use.
    // This code is functionally the same as the previous example, but is drastically
    // more efficient if the TIME_FIRST pattern is a common input!
    if (asString.length() == ISO_LOCAL_PATTERN.length()) {
        return LocalDateTime.parse(asString, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE);
    } else {
        return LocalDateTime.parse(asString, TIME_FIRST_FORMAT);

Don’t Use Exceptions To Return Missing Values

It may be tempting to throw an exception when a return value is missing, but this is rarely an appropriate pattern (unless the missing value is truly exceptional). Instead, prefer to return an Optional type which makes for much cleaner client code.

What Not To Do

// Service code
 * Exception thrown when a request Book is missing.
public class MissingBookException extends IllegalArgumentException {
    public MissingBookException(String asin) {
        super(String.format("Missing book with asin '%s'", asin));

class BookClient {

     * This method tries to read a Book record from a DynamoDB table.
     * @param asin The unique id of the Book
     * @returns The book record matching the provided asin
     * @throws MissingBookException Thrown when no book record is found to match the provided asin
    public Book getBook(String asin) throws MissingBookException {
        Item bookItem = this.bookTable.getItem("asin", asin);
        if (bookItem == null) {
            throw new MissingBookException(asin);
        } else {

// Client code
try {
    Book book = bookClient.getBook("myAsin");
} catch (MissingBookException e) {

There are several issues with this example:

  • Consider how much boilerplate code had to be written just to accommodate that an ASIN may not have a corresponding book. The getBook function can’t simply throw an IllegalArgumentException as the standard Java Exception class (or a sub-classing Exception) could be thrown by lower level code, causing unexpected handling behavior. This then requires a custom exception to be defined.
  • The client is now forced to write two separate blocks of code, one to handle the expected case and another the exceptional. This structure is awkward and increases overall code complexity
  • Throwing exceptions is expensive!

Do This Instead

// Service code
class BookClient {

     * This method reads a Book record from a DynamoDB table.
     * @param asin The unique id of the Book
     * @returns The book record matching the provided asin
    public Book getBook(String asin) {
        Item bookItem = this.bookTable.getItem("asin", asin);
        return Optional.ofNullable(bookItem).map(Book::build);

// Client code
Optional<Book> book = bookClient.getBook("myAsin");
if (book.isPresent()) {

The Optional approach is simultaneously more succinct as well as self-documenting. It’s clear that Book may or may not be provided, and Optional provides methods for handling the missing Book case.

Don’t Create Zombie Threads; Honor InterruptedException

InterruptedException is thrown across a wide swath of the Java SDK. The exception is thrown when a Thread’s work needs to be interrupted, with the most common reason being the shutdown of your software application. If you suppress or otherwise mistreat InterruptedExceptions, you’ll find your code misbehaves on shutdown.

What Not To Do

Let’s consider the earlier example of the CheckTheLightsRunnable. Instead of using a ScheduledExecutor, imagine we implemented the Runnable as a polling worker.

public class CheckTheLightsRunnable implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
        // Looping on while (true) is generally a bad practice, but let's accept it
        // in the spirit of illustrating the InterruptedException mishandling
        while (true) {
            try {
                // Again, polling with Thread.sleep is generally a bad practice, but 
                // this kind of code shows up in production all the time. Let's power
                // through these side yucks to focus on our zombie code.
            // Notice that this catch block is catching Exception and suppressing it,
            // which would include InterruptedException
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logging.error("Failed to check the lights", e);
                metrics.addCount(UNANDLED_EXCEPTION, true);

// Now our CheckTheLightsRunnable is doing it's work, checking those lights endlessly
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
executorService.submit(new CheckTheLightsRunnable());

// On shutdown, we want to clean up and shutdown our thread pool
getRuntime().addShutdownHook(() -> {

Do you see the flaw in the Exception handling block? ThreadPoolExecutor will call Thread.interrupt on the CheckTheLightsRunnable, causing an InterruptedException to be thrown inside the execution of run(). Unfortunately, the catch (Exception e) handler block will catch and suppress the interrupt, leaving the thread still executing. Depending on the runtime executing your Java application, this means your code will either never shutdown or will shutdown in messy manner, resulting in an unknown system state.